Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Its Pay Back Time"

According to the New York daily news 77% agree with President Obama that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who was the mastermind behind 9/11, and his partners in crime are to be found guilty in the Manhatten federal coutroom. 73% want Khalid Shaikh to be put to death and 67% said that his partners in this crime should also be killed. 52% said that they are concerned that the trial will bring more terrorist attacks. Even though some people do not agree with the death penalty they still believe that justice will be served by putting them in prison for life. New Yorkers are mostly okay if they were to be put on jury duty since many of them would like to get revenge and be part of history. In my opinion I believe they should be put to death. If murderers who kill a few people can get the death penalty than so should terrorists who kill hundreds. In 9/11 they killed 2,792 people so why keep these terrorists alive. Justice shall be prevailed !!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Does the Britsh Monarchy still affect Canadians ?

The leaves are falling off the trees and its getting colder but Royalty is in the air here in Canada. Royalty ? You mean the Prime Minister ? No ! I mean Prince Charles and his wife are doing their tour of Canada to see their homeland. Homeland ? Yes you read right homeland. Did you know that the British monarchy is really also Canadian citizens ? This all started way back in the day when Canada was still part of the British colonies but now in the 21st century and we are totally separate from Britain they still are. So why do we have these Royal tours still ? Is it for morale patriotic support? Does it enrich Canadians ? I don't know but the main things is that does it still affect Canada ? I believe that the British does give a bit of support to our history since we have a lot of bonds with Britain. We've allied with Britain during both World Wars and went into our first war with the British for the Bohr War because of this it influences us and enriches us of our beginning of our nation but government wise and the British monarchy is just an old fashioned tradition that is just being used as a symbol in Canada.